Meet the Gang

Pedro the Concierge welcomes every dog into his home.  He absolutely loves friends, playtime, and snuggles.  He will try to lick everyone, both human and dog alike.  expect lots of videos of pedro and your dog playing, walking, and chilling.

batman the demonic chihuahua spends most of his days under a blanket, but will occasionally grace us with his presence to sunbathe, chase birds, and bark at us. truly a small dog who thinks he is a big dog.

every crazy dog lady needs a crazy dog partner. Dave provides additional support. his specialty fields include dog costumes, sittng on the couch with pups for movie nights, and deep loving butt scratches.

Home Away from Home

What we offer our dog guests:

outdoor space:

  • fenced yard with ring security cameras around perimeter of household

  • space for chasing, playing, zooming, and sunbathing

  • dog door and sliding door access to household

Indoor Space:

  • Access to all rooms including bedroom, living room, office, and guest room

  • Access to all furniture with dog stairs at couches and beds

  • one large and one medium spare dog beds

  • one extra metal wire crate and one extra cavas pop-up crate

  • if you forget something, we likely have extras including harnesses, leashes, dog bowls, poop bags, collars and dog tags with our information

  • dog door and sliding door access to backyard

  • Heating and Air Conditioned